Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hey! It's Gary's Birthday!


Happy Birthday to my friend, Gary!

As you all know by now, Gary is one of my favorite peeps....and today is his special day.

Do me a fav and go wish him congrats on making it around the sun one more time.

Hope your next ride around is spectacular, Gary :-)


Gary's third pottery blog said...

aw, shucks!!!!!!!
Thank you!
I am celebrating by doing a little laundry, cleaning the cat box, washing a little pile of dishes.....

Lynda said...

There's a real celebration for ya!

Unknown said...

okay Lynda I love the making it around the sun line...awesome off to wish gary a HB!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

thank you! Actually, the missus will take me to the hippie cafe for dinner. Yay! No more dishes to wash!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lynda - thanks for stopping by my little coffee blog to root for Gary's mug. I may just have to buy one even if no one actually writes a post to enter it into my Coffee Mug Hunt contest.

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