Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Favorite Part?

Okay... this is to settle a debate amongst friends...

What's your favorite physical part of the gender to whom you are attracted?

Me? I love men's arms...

don't get me started.

Too late... I think I went there.


g-man said...

Breasts. Hands down (or up ha ha ha). I find them fascinating, big small in between, I like them all.

Lynda said...

You go,g-man!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Golly! Oh lord. Dare I admit? I like the whole female package, smile to eyes to toes, I really do.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

give me a guy with nice calves and i'm there. especially nicely tanned ones.

Lynda said...

Mmmm... The FedEx guy??

Kerrie said...

Mmmm...collarbones & shoulders...especially just out of the shower when water forms a little pool...does me in every time.

Arms & hands come a very close second though...

Debbie Y. said...

The smile in the eyes. I love me some crinkly smiley eyes. Then I go straight to the butt everytime.

Betty said...

A nice hairless back, is what I like... :)

LaurieJ said...

I'm with betty...a nice strong (definitely hairless) back!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Who is looking at someone's back, I wonder?
Debbie has it, though, tis the smile I think.

red dirt girl said...

the hands first - hands down!! (arrgghh !!) then the mind. he's got to be able to wow me with wit and laughter. and a great smile. i like a little mischievous mixed into those smiles ...


Ronnica said...

The back/shoulders. Is it any wonder I like swimming...swimmers have the best build!

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