Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bad Book Choices

Went to my book club meeting last night. We had read, "Home," by Marilynne Robinson. The general consensus was, "Ugh."

I have to say her writing was beautiful... I wanted to keep reading just to see how she would phrase the next sentence, what words she would choose, but the storyline was... well... boring.

The choice for the next meeting is, "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie," by Alan Bradley - a little adventure, murder, and detective story. Sounds like we're in for just a plain, fun read.

Have you read it?


Linda said...

Haven't read it but it sounds like a good read.

I want to be in a book club so bad! I just may have to form one myself! Any suggestions, tips?

Lynda said...

We really enjoy it - this is how it works for us: We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month. No negotiations on the date - somebody ALWAYS has something going on, so the date stays firm UNLESS it's a holiday, then we bump it to the following week. One person picks the book and a restaurant. We meet, eat, and that meeting the person chosen lets us know what the next read is & where we'll meet. Then, another person is chosen for the following month and she brings the new book to the next month's meeting... We don't really ask specific questions - we just discuss what we liked or didn't like about the book. Overall, it's just plain, old good "girl" time.

Unknown said...

I haven't read much of anything lately... I'd love to find a book club so I could expand my horizons...

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