Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mystery Illness Solved

It was testosterone. As suspected.

Later in the afternoon, my darling daughter called to tell me the boy she likes was telling "everybody" that he only liked her as a friend and didn't like like her. Then she started crying.

I asked her if that is why didn't want to go to school and she said it was. What hurt was she had been flirting and telling people she liked him, etc... and he was saying the opposite to everyone BUT her.

So, she was humiliated.

God, I remember that time of life. Not necessarily the same set of problems, but the thought of being ridiculed and talked about was tragic. Enough to make you "sick."

So, after a nice, long "come to Jesus" meeting, it is well understood that skipping school or avoiding life isn't acceptable.

Tomorrow starts a new chapter.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

Oh those years are so difficult and full of hurt you wonder how we all survived. figures it was a boy..

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Boys are no good! :)

Glad to hear that the mystery is solved.

Tell your daughter I said that it's his loss!

Melissa B. said...

Hey, things aren't as bad as they previously seemed, huh? I know that with my girls, at least, a fear of confrontation was always a good reason to become "ill." BTW, I'm featuring your donut/doughnut post over at my place today. Thanks for the inspiration!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh! humilation! pook kid!

Unknown said...

Man O Man-the angst ridden teens years-I remember em like they were yesterday-Glad it wasn;t something more serious although I KNOW this is serious to her...

IMHO she is too pretty for him anyways and it is definately his LOSS! Tell her Georgie said that Boys do not define us and for her to hold her head up high then write (insert boys name here) has a small weenee on the bathroom wall I KID I KID!!!!! about the last part ;-)

Wep said...

Boys stink. Odds are the boy likes her too, and is just a dork in front of her friends.

The SAME thing happened in A Walk To Remember.

Well, that movie ended bad though :(

Unknown said...

TOtally agree with Wep... dollars to donuts/doughnuts that he likes he, he's just doing the typical male "i like you so I'm going to make you miserable" thing....

Good that you had a talk though.

Someday she'll be blogging about HER daughter going through the same thing and remembering THIS day :)

Ronnica said...

All to familiar. An easy way to relieve the embarrassment in the future? Don't share your crushes with your peers! I'm only now learning that lesson...

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